Saturday, September 25, 2010

Days turn into weeks. And weeks turn into Months.

I am back at BYU- Idaho and it’s great! I am taking many classes pertaining to my major in Elementary Education. One class requires me to go off campus and spend 2 hours in a 2nd grade classroom. I haven’t had an opportunity to official teach but I love it nonetheless! The teacher is awesome and the kids are amazing. Seriously. They are so good! It’s fun seeing the techniques the teacher uses in teaching and in discipline. I think I’m going to enjoy my profession. I am taking Clogging Tech II once again with Gary Larsen. It’s fun of course!! I made it onto the BYUI Collegiate World Dance Team. It has been so much fun! We just finished an Aboriginal number and we moved onto an African/Hip Hop dance. The girls, all 13 of us, are funny, unique and outgoing. There is definitely never a dull moment at rehearsal.
My elementary school!

ROOMMATES! Okay, this semester my beloved Hailey is in China but that didn’t stop me from receiving rad roommates. There are 6 girls in the apartment including me, Lisa, Melissa, Becca, Alyssa, and Steffani. Me and Melissa have been roommates since our first semester up at BYUI. Bec was with us last semester. Lisa was our FHE Mom last semester and is now my room roommate (I’ve never had such a consistently clean room). Alyssa is new to us. She is the sister of one our FHE bro’s last semester and is engaged to a stud in our ward. Steffani is a fresh out of high school freshman. I think it’s safe to say that we all enjoy Steffani with her pink cooking supplies and her serious commitment to football.

Me and the Beccers.

I have found that something I enjoy about many other things is sending and receiving missionary mail. Writing 4 of my missionary friends on a regular basis, I am the unofficial mail checker for the 504 and don’t worry, you won’t see me missing a day checking the mail. I LOVE MISSIONARIES.

I get to visit some of my family next weekend when I go down for conference to Yay!

Well!!! I love my life and when I start to feel sorry for myself then I know I’m not thinkin! I have so many things to be grateful for!

Love, Hil