Saturday, July 9, 2011

False Prophets

In 2 Peter 2 it talks about false prophets. There are listed some characteristics of the false prophets:
-They deny God.
-Bring people unto damnation.
-Filthy Conversation
-Pleasure in riot
-Encourage sin - adultery, etc.
-Promise liberty through corruption
It is better not to know the ways of righteousness than to know the ways and turn against it. You are denying that which you know to be true.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Trial of Our Faith is More Precious Than Gold

1 Peter 1:7-9
" 7That the atrial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the bappearing of Jesus Christ:

8Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet abelieving, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

9Receiving the aend of your bfaith, even the csalvation of your souls."

There are many who use the phrase "Life isn't fair".

There hasn't been a phrase more false that this. If this were true, it would mean that there would be no chance for salvation because of our imperfect state and we should be condemned. But the mercy of God has showed us otherwise.

Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ this life is exceedingly fair. Our Savior suffered and died so that we would be able to repent of our sins and receive forgiveness. Life is very fair my friends. We have a just God and through His son we can gain eternal life.

When you have sinned, repent and ask for forgiveness. When you stand in need of comfort, ask to feel His love. Jesus Christ suffered everything we have and will ever go through. He knows the sorrow of sin, the pain of death, the sting of rejection. He can help us! We only need to ask.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

2 Timothy 1:1–10. Paul’s Affection for Timothy

  1. Read the institute student manual commentary for “The Second Letter to Timothy” (p. 374) and “Background Information” (pp. 374–75). Then read 2 Timothy 1:1–7 and Moroni 8:3; 9:6, 22, 25. Compare in writing how Paul’s feelings for Timothy were similar to those Mormon expressed to his son Moroni by answering the following questions:
    • What parallels are there in the counsel and expressions given by both Paul and Mormon?
      1. They are both words of encouragement and fondness. Paul and Mormon mention praying for Timothy or Moroni as they would for a child.
    • Why do you think Paul noted Timothy’s grandmother’s and mother’s faith?
      1. I think that Paul mentions his heritage to remind Timothy about the strong family background he has had in the gospel. It might be to remind him that he can go there for strength.
    • What assurance did Paul give Timothy about “the spirit of fear”? How can this counsel and assurance help you in your life?
      1. He tells him that he can rid the spirit of fear and replace it with power and courage. This way, we know that even if we fear, we have the power to change that fear into love, fearlessness, etc.
  2. Read 2 Timothy 1:15–18. Why did Paul love and bless the “house of Onesiphorus” with the Lord’s mercy? What did Paul bless him with? Read Matthew 25:35–40 and write a sentence describing what you could do today to receive similar blessings from the Lord. How does Matthew 11:29–30 and Jacob 1:8 help you better understand what the “chain” is (yoke or cross) that Paul spoke of in 2 Timothy 1:16?

Paul blessed the house because he had been a faithful follower and had compassion on Paul with hospitality. He blessed him that the Lord might have mercy. If we have mercy on our fellow man and do charity unto them than the Lord will be merciful unto us. The yoke is the name of Jesus Christ. When you take his name upon you, you are acting with his name and representing him.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finding Solutions to Life's Challenges through the Scriptures

For each of the following common challenges, write the counsel from Philippians that you would use to resolve it:

  • People sometimes argue and complain over petty matters in church meetings or throughout the week (see Philippians 2:1–8, 14–15).

The Lord commands us to do things without “murmurings and disputing”. If even petty matters are magnified there is a call for repentance and humility.

  • Many youth feel that their parents’ testimony is sufficient for them. Since they have good parents, they rely on them for all their spiritual strength (see Philippians 2:12–15 and institute student manual commentary for Philippians 2:12, “Work out Your Own Salvation with Fear and Trembling” [pp. 361–62]).

We must be able to work out our own salvation without the presence of our parents. You only know how strong you are once you have separated from your foundation (parents) of the gospel.

  • An investigator is considering joining the Church, but his family will no longer associate with him if he does (see Philippians 3:7–16; 4:13).

Those things that we lose because of the gospel are miniscule in the eternal plan. The blessings that come from coming unto Christ and phenomenal and with the help of the Lord, you can overcome the obstacles that lie in your way.

  • How is this writing assignment an example of the principle taught in 2 Nephi 32:3?

We are told to feast upon the words of Christ – The scriptures are the words of Christ and therefore we can go to them for answers.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Impact of Example

In 1 Corinthians 4:2, Paul tells us that we must be faithful to be servant of the Lord. He has called apostles to be our examples. But being an example is not limited to the apostles. We can be examples by following the counsel of the apostles and the prophet and applying that guidance to our lives.
In Alma 39, we are told that it is not enough just to know what it right. We must refrain from sin because sin can effect others' testimonies. We must not lead people away from righteousness through our iniquity.
Those who live what they know can be cleansed from the bonds of sin and work miracles.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Acts 19-20 Proper Authority and Ministering to the People

There are 5 priesthood ordinances that Paul performs in Acts 19 and 20:
  1. Baptism (19:5)
  2. Confirmation (19:6)
  3. Blessing the Sacrament (20:7)
  4. Blessing the Sick (19:12)
  5. Raising the Dead (20:10-12)
When Paul came across Corinthian saints, he asked them about their baptism and confirmation. They had never been confirmed with the Holy Ghost so Paul baptized and confirmed them in the name of Jesus Christ. When Paul bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost to the Corinthian saints, he laid his hands on their heads.
Many people not of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints wonder why it is necessary to be baptized again in our church if they have already been baptized in their church. Baptism must occur under the proper authority-- which is the priesthood. Without this priesthood, the baptism and confirmation cannot be done in the name of Jesus Christ and recognized in the eyes of God.
In Acts chapter 20, it talks about the disciples coming together and breaking bread. This happened on the first day of the week which is Sunday. In John, it talks about the Resurrection, and the Savior returning to the earth on the first day of the week and appearing to Mary and his disciples. This is why the Sabbath day was changed to Sunday -- because of the Resurrection.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Back in School Hitting the Ground Running

I'm back in school! Not that I ever took a break. But I'll be staying home doing online classes. I'll be using my blog to post assignments for my New Testament class. Enjoy!

The Disciple Stephen --

Stephen shows attributes of the Savior. While on the cross, the Savior spoke to the Father saying, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:43). Stephen’s last words were similar saying, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge” (Acts 7:60). Being Christlike is what Latter Day Saints have been taught to strive for. If the hearts of Saints are turned toward Christ, every day brings the actions one step closer to Christ. Stephen shows a selfless love for those, even his persecutors. In Matthew 5:44 the Savior counsel us to “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Stephen lived that principle even up to his death.

In Acts 7:55 Stephen preaches saying that he was filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 7:54) and the heavens were opened and he saw “Jesus standing on the right hand of God.” This teaches that God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate bodies therefore being the Godhead.

Abinadi and Stephen both died deaths because of angry men. They died preaching the word of God to wicked people. Their deaths were slow and painful. The men that killed these men of God had hearts hardened by the devil. I can only imagine how miserable those men must have been to have killed these great men.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Holy Skating

You always hope that someone can tell who you are by the way you present yourself.
For me, it's the hope that people can tell that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Tonight I was roller blading on a date and my date, Joe, pointed out a group of three married couples. He said something to the extent of... "How much you wanna bet they are Mormon?" They not only looked Mormon but they acted like it too. Modest stylish outfits and fun, goofy personalities.
At one point of the night I was sitting on the side while Joe skated and two of the girls from the suspected Mormon group sat on both sides of me and started chatting. They suspected me and Joe too! It was so fun! We talked about dating and where we were from and what wards we were in.
At the end of the night, I met up with three couples once again. One of them asked me if I had any older sisters and then asked me if I was a Hogge! She knew Mindy from college and the fact that she could tell that I was her sister just from my looks was pretty flattering.
You hope people can tell who you are by the way you look, act, live...
I would like to believe that I might be doing things right if someone can pick me out from a crowd. Maybe I just skate holy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

sin capitals.

hummmm, hummm, de dummm dumm dummmm.
oh what did you say?
i'm sorry, i was humming.

i work in an office.
i am the first one you see when you arrive
and the last when you depart.
it's generally quiet at work.
sometimes that's a problem.

take thursday for example.
i had about 500 manila folders to label and as you can imagine:
that takes forever.
i'm not bold enough to turn on
so what do i do?
i couldn't take the silence any longer and started humming.
have you ever tried to hum realllly realllly softly?
it's dang hard.
i am getting flustered just thinking about it.

why am i telling you this?
for the same reason i am not capitalizing anything.
because it's amuses me and i want to.

lesson: soft humming only makes me more frustrated over the silence i can't quiet quench.
quench. that's a good word.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tangled up in "Tangled"

I might have an obsession with Disney’s newest princess movie “Tangled”.
Why? There are several reasons.

1. I am Rapunzel. I mean… minus the super long hair. She’s my Disney princess and I thank Disney for creating her.
2. Her “prince charming”, Flynn Rider aka Eugene Fitzherbert… He is a babe. And I’ve always wanted a guy that can be bad but chooses not to.
3. The music is awesome and I am constantly singing “The Healing Incantation” and “When Will My Life Begin?”. I’m determined to memorize the first and sing it as a lullaby to my children… when I have children.
4. Maximus and Pascal. Who wouldn’t want a super smart horse that acts like a dog or a chameleon that has your back? I know I would.
5. It’s wholesome entertainment and an all around great movie.
Seeing it in the theater a second time made it even better and the laughter wasn't scarce.
If you haven’t seen “Tangled”, do it. And if you don’t like it? Don’t tell me. I’ll probably see you in a different light. And that light will be dark and gloomy.