Drinking Foundations. I have noticed two things.
1. People generally don’t use the shorter one and if there is someone using the taller one they will wait. This happened to me earlier in the semester. I’m not too tall… 5’2” and there was no one at the drinking fountains so I went and began to fill up my water bottle from the taller one. While doing so a girl comes up behind me. My height. And waits. I thought it was ridiculous so I moved to the shorter one and what does she say? “I’m sorry.” Girl. You aren’t sorry. It’s shear laziness that led you to waiting and there was no empathy in her eyes. I chuckled all the way to class. So from then on I have been doing just fine using the shorter one every time. Take that other short blonde girl. It is possible to bend down a couple more inches.
2. How do you drink from the foundation? This morning I went to take a drink and found myself making a kissy shape with my mouth. A fine stream of water going into a little passage in your mouth. At first it didn’t make sense to me but then I figured that if you didn’t purse your lips then all the water that goes into your mouth would drop right back out.
Another thing. Do guys want us girls to think they are super sensitive? While walking to class today I saw these two guys sitting on a bench. One of them saw and spider and said, “Smash it!” The other fellow gets his foot up ready to slam the little thing and then looks up, sees me, and says “No, you do it.” I definitely gave in to a chuckle. From my point of view it looked like his response was a reaction to seeing me but hey, I might just be conceited in my thinking.