2 weekends ago I had the opportunity to travel down to Utah to see my family and go to conference. It was such a great weekend. It was ALMOST our entire family. Everyone except Sarah and her family. It was sad not having her there but she was going to Oregon to see my great grandma West so travelling time with the girls was precious.
I got there Friday night and grandma had made tamales. Yum! It was a nice night hanging with my best friends. It's great having friends that you know you can be with forever. I know that a lot of people say "I'm going to be with my family forever anyway, why do I need to be with them now?" But c'mon. Why would you want to be stuck with people you don't want to be around all the time? I am so incredibly thankful that I have been blessed with people that I WANT to be with.
Saturday, the girls went to the morning session of conference. I invited my lovely roommate, Becca, to join us since shew as down for conference as well and so we all went. It was fantastic. President Uchtdorf's talk about "Slowing Down" was music to my ears. I really needed it and I am thankful that I was there, in person, to hear it.
Mom and Grandma Buck
YEAH. I'm so excited for those too!)
Some people call me Mini Mindy. Yeah. I know.
Spencer's birthday was the weekend after conference so we celebrated it altogether the week before. Mom and Dad made ribs and Mindy made a yummy cheese sauce with mashed potatoes and broccoli. It was a lot of fun! I had to leave after dinner but going down for the weekend was entirely worth it! I love my family!
Me and Pops
My brothers love me soooo much!
Happy 18th lil bro!
Love your blog... love you... oh and I found myself some Keds from Kohls for $9 too! Yay!