Thursday, June 16, 2011

2 Timothy 1:1–10. Paul’s Affection for Timothy

  1. Read the institute student manual commentary for “The Second Letter to Timothy” (p. 374) and “Background Information” (pp. 374–75). Then read 2 Timothy 1:1–7 and Moroni 8:3; 9:6, 22, 25. Compare in writing how Paul’s feelings for Timothy were similar to those Mormon expressed to his son Moroni by answering the following questions:
    • What parallels are there in the counsel and expressions given by both Paul and Mormon?
      1. They are both words of encouragement and fondness. Paul and Mormon mention praying for Timothy or Moroni as they would for a child.
    • Why do you think Paul noted Timothy’s grandmother’s and mother’s faith?
      1. I think that Paul mentions his heritage to remind Timothy about the strong family background he has had in the gospel. It might be to remind him that he can go there for strength.
    • What assurance did Paul give Timothy about “the spirit of fear”? How can this counsel and assurance help you in your life?
      1. He tells him that he can rid the spirit of fear and replace it with power and courage. This way, we know that even if we fear, we have the power to change that fear into love, fearlessness, etc.
  2. Read 2 Timothy 1:15–18. Why did Paul love and bless the “house of Onesiphorus” with the Lord’s mercy? What did Paul bless him with? Read Matthew 25:35–40 and write a sentence describing what you could do today to receive similar blessings from the Lord. How does Matthew 11:29–30 and Jacob 1:8 help you better understand what the “chain” is (yoke or cross) that Paul spoke of in 2 Timothy 1:16?

Paul blessed the house because he had been a faithful follower and had compassion on Paul with hospitality. He blessed him that the Lord might have mercy. If we have mercy on our fellow man and do charity unto them than the Lord will be merciful unto us. The yoke is the name of Jesus Christ. When you take his name upon you, you are acting with his name and representing him.

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