For each of the following common challenges, write the counsel from Philippians that you would use to resolve it:
- People sometimes argue and complain over petty matters in church meetings or throughout the week (see Philippians 2:1–8, 14–15).
The Lord commands us to do things without “murmurings and disputing”. If even petty matters are magnified there is a call for repentance and humility.
- Many youth feel that their parents’ testimony is sufficient for them. Since they have good parents, they rely on them for all their spiritual strength (see Philippians 2:12–15 and institute student manual commentary for Philippians 2:12, “Work out Your Own Salvation with Fear and Trembling” [pp. 361–62]).
We must be able to work out our own salvation without the presence of our parents. You only know how strong you are once you have separated from your foundation (parents) of the gospel.
- An investigator is considering joining the Church, but his family will no longer associate with him if he does (see Philippians 3:7–16; 4:13).
Those things that we lose because of the gospel are miniscule in the eternal plan. The blessings that come from coming unto Christ and phenomenal and with the help of the Lord, you can overcome the obstacles that lie in your way.
- How is this writing assignment an example of the principle taught in 2 Nephi 32:3?
We are told to feast upon the words of Christ – The scriptures are the words of Christ and therefore we can go to them for answers.
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